On Wednesday’s Gretchen Wieners Gets Walmart Black Friday Deals

08 Nov2023
172 0

Walmart is doing the best thing ever and giving Wednesdays new life this holiday season. Last week the retail corporation premiered a “Mean Girls-inspired commercial to promote its Black Friday deals and the content isn’t over yet.

For the “On Wednesdays, we shop Black Friday deals,” a new ad geared specifically towards Gretchen Weiners aka Lacey Chabert dropped showcasing all the deals her family got from Walmart along with dropping “Mean Girls” Easter eggs and featuring Amanda Seyfried as Karen. These girls seamlessly stepped back into these characters and I love it!

Watch the Walmart Black Friday Deals ad featuring Gretchen’s Wednesday in the clip below.

What did you think about this Walmart “Mean Girls” ad? is it making you want to shop for Black Friday deals? Share your thoughts in the comments.

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Photo: Walmart screengrab

Categories Celebrity Entertainment

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