‘American Horror Story: Cult’ Recap – “Neighbors From Hell”

21 Sep2017
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Harrison and Meadow give into their fear and  join Kai’s cult on American Horror Story: Cult in episode 3 showing they truly are the neighbors from hell. Weird chemicals fill the neighborhood as Ally’s paranoia grows and suspicions rise as fans place their bets on who’s in on the clown cult terrorizing the city.

Not sure about any of you, but I’m feeling rather bored with this season thus far. Now don’t get me wrong I’m way more invested in this season than I was with Freak Show and Hotel and I’m still waiting for that turn around to really get me hooked, but I’m not super excited…yet. You tell me though, let’s chat after you check out my recap of course.

Watch my episode 3 recap of American Horror Story: Cult, along with my episode 2 recap if you missed that, in the clips below. Share your thoughts in the comments and be sure to catch me every week on Twitter for live tweets during the east coast broadcast.

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Photo: FX/Glambergirlblog

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