Victoria Justice & Leon Thomas III Cover ‘Baby It’s Cold Outside’

24 Dec2016
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We’re almost done #GGBHoliday, man does time fly. Thanks so much for sticking around this long and getting into the holiday spirit with me. Holiday music is a big part of getting into the mood and to think about the reason for the season. There’s the classics and then there’s covers, no matter what your preference you have to admit “Baby It’s Cold Outside” is a great song no matter who’s singing it.

Former Victorious co-stars Victoria Justice and Leon Thomas III covered the song back in 2011 and it’s one of my fav versions of the song. The mix of Victoria and Leon’s voices is truly a Christmas miracle. 

Watch Victoria Justice and Leon Thomas III perform “Baby It’s Cold Outside” in the clip below. Share your thoughts in the comments.

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Photo: YouTube

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