‘SNL’s’ “Rachel from Friends” Meets Jennifer Aniston On Weekend Update

04 Dec2016
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Rachel Green from Friends is one of the biggest names of the 1990’s. Her iconic style and spoiled brat turned modern working woman ways made Jennifer Aniston a household name. On Saturday Night LiveVanessa Bayer dressed as Rachel for Weekend Update to discuss why people are so nostalgic for the ’90s, following the many reboots of films and TV shows from that time.

While Bayer did her Rachel bit, the real Rachel, played by Jennifer Aniston, made an appearance to defend her beloved character and tell Bayer, jokingly, to stop texting her so much. There’s two things I want to point out in this clip: Jennifer Aniston looks damn good and Vanessa Bayer does a pretty good Rachel. And now I’m off to watch Friends on Netflix.

Watch Vanessa Bayer as Rachel Green meet the real Rachel Green aka Jennifer Aniston in a clip from SNL’s Weekend Update below. Share your thoughts in the comments.

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Photo: YouTube/NBC

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