Exclusive: Glambergirlblog Interviews ‘True Blood’s’ Gregg Daniel About The Final Season

23 Jul2014
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Photo: IMDb

Photo: IMDb

Earlier this week I had the absolute pleasure of speaking with the amazingly talented actor/director Gregg Daniel who plays the beloved voice of reason Reverend Daniels on HBO’s award-winning series True Blood

True Blood, based on The Sookie Stackhouse Novels by Charlaine Harris, is a story centered around Sookie Stackhouse, played by Anna Paquin, a telepathic waitress who lives in the small, fictional town of Bon Temps, Louisiana. A town filled all types of supernatural beings like vampires, werewolves, fairies, shape shifters and more!

After asking Gregg Daniel to describe the series in his own words and his character, we went on to discuss his first reaction when he got the script, his favorite scenes to shoot and what he’ll miss most about the series, among other things. Daniel even gave me some spoilers about what’s to come in last few episodes of the final season of True Blood. Check out some excerpts from the interview below.

On Being Aware of the Popularity of the Series Before Signing On:

“I was aware, I aware only because Adina Porter, was an actor I knew from New York. We had done theater in New York many, many years ago, she plays Lettie Mae. So I heard from friends that Adina was on the show. I caught a few episodes and thought she was brilliant, I just loved what she was doing….. so that’s why I tuned into True Blood, to watch Adina.”

On Auditioning For The Role Of Reverend Daniels:

“When they approached me I was on the East Coast. I was doing a play at the time and they wanted me to put myself on tape and send it out to the producers in Los Angeles. Well I knew I wouldn’t get it because it’s not the same thing putting yourself on tape to be seen as it is being in a room with people. In a room you can feel the vibe, you can feel the tempo, the temperature of the room. So I said, well for a show like True Blood where they feature these people, you know, there’s no way they’re going to look at a tape and go, ‘OK, let’s cast him, and that’s exactly what happened. They looked at the tape and about a week later they cast me as Reverend Daniels.”

On Being Wrapped For The Series and Spoilers:

“I am wrapped, I am wrapped. It just happened a little while ago, I am wrapped on the series. I’ll tells fans there will be closure. There will be closure, we’re not going to leave them hanging. There will be closure, it may not be the sort of pie in the sky, happily ever after but there will be a genuine, I think consistent closure that they’ve earned, that these characters earned. There’s no quick, ‘OK, that’s it, that’s how it’s going, OK now we’re done,’ no these writers have really thought about how to end this series. And we end it on a note where there is closure but you know there’s never any sort of growth without sacrifice as well.” 

Talk about #TrueToTheEnd!

New episodes of the seventh and final season of HBO’s True Blood airs Sunday at 9/8c.

Take a listen to my exclusive interview with True Blood’s Gregg Daniel below along with the audition video that landed Daniel his role.

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