Glambergirlblog Enjoys Art, Fashion, Wine and Music at The Philadelphia Wine Mixer [VIDEO]

13 Feb2014
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Photo: Kevin Spence Vimeo

Photo: Kevin Spence Vimeo

One of the highlights of living in Philadelphia is being able to attend grown and sexy events like the Philadelphia Wine Mixer with ease.

Last Friday, February 7, I attended the seasonal mixer that brings out Philly’s best to mix and mingle while enjoying live music, art, fashion and an assortment of wine.

Event creator Tyrone Dixon, known to some as T Dot, developed an event that awards talented artists, photographers and designers along with severing as a networking opportunity to meet people from many various career backgrounds.

During the event I spoke with vendors Curran J of Kings Rule Together and Tiffany Laibhen of TieNeL Fashion and my amazing videographer of the evening, Kevin Spence, captured the mood of the event perfectly.

The next Philadelphia Wine Mixer will be at the African-American Museum of Art in the city of Brotherly Love on May 2nd, 2014! Will you be there?

Until then, watch a recap of the Philadelphia Wine Mixer below.

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