Toni Braxton Has Wardrobe Malfunction and Exposes Her Butt on Stage [VIDEO]

17 Aug2013
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Photo: Gossipcop

Photo: Gossipcop

Toni Braxton isn’t the only singer who keeps going during a performance malfunction; although I think she would have preferred a Beyonce “hair in fan” situation.

During a concert in New Jersey, Toni was performing a variety of her classic songs when she had a wardrobe malfunction on stage. Her sleek, sparkle dress slipped in the back exposing her butt.

The singer kept right on performing until a gentleman she brought on stage gave her his jacket. Later, assistants came on stage and removed the outfit all together. Toni was a sport throughout all the experience.

Watch Toni Braxton’s wardrobe malfunction below.

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