Happy Presidents’ Day From Honda

18 Feb2013
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Photo: Honda

Photo: Honda

Happy Presidents Day My Glamberous Ones!

Over here in the states we celebrate and honor our founding fathers, all the men that were named the leaders of this country. Today, President Barack Obama serves as the 44th leader of this great nation and is doing a damn good job given the situations he has to work with if you ask me. This holiday also gives retailers a chance to offer special sales during the weekend and week of the event. Car dealership Honda is offering a special deal that I don’t really care too much about since I’m not in the market to buy a car, but the commercial campaign they have to market their cars is VERY good!

Every time I see this Honda Presidents’ Day commercial I crack up! It’s such a creative campaign, not to mention how catchy the song is. Almost makes me want to go out and get a Honda. Check out the likes of Abraham Lincoln and George Washington serenade us with facts on the new Honda car.

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