Tags that belong tomusic

Nicki Minaj Denied Access To Her Alma Mater – Find Out The Reported Reason Why

12Sep 2014

is no stranger to making headlines for a number of things but this latest one is causing yet

Ellen DeGeneres Appears In Nicki Minaj’s “Anaconda” Video – See How Nicki Reacted [VIDEO]

10Sep 2014

Many have poked fun at did it. It was hilarious to say the least and Nicki had the

Go Behind The Scenes With Beyoncé At The 2014 MTV Video Music Awards [VIDEO]

05Sep 2014

Have you asked yourself how did  Vanguard award performance at the 2014 MTV Video Music Awards? Well wonder

Let Me See: Budweiser’s Made in America Festival Philadelphia – The Recap [VIDEO]

01Sep 2014

 as some of the music big names that performed and I had a front row seat with press

Glambergirlblog Goes To Made In America Philadelphia 2014

30Aug 2014

Hello Glamberous Ones, On social media I made the announcement that Glambergirlblog.com got confirmed media/press access to the ;