Nicki Minaj Denied Access To Her Alma Mater – Find Out The Reported Reason Why

12 Sep2014
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Photo: Instagram

Photo: Instagram

Nicki Minaj is no stranger to making headlines for a number of things but this latest one is causing yet another string of mixed reviews.

Minaj wanted to return to her alma mater, Fiorella H. LaGuardia High School in New York City, on Thursday to speak with the students but was denied by the new principal.

Nicki Minaj was so bothered by not being allowed back at the school that meant so much to her that she expressed her disappointment on Twitter. She tweeted, “I wanted to go back to my HS and speak to the students but the new principal declined. No need for me to inspire them, I guess. Smh.”

She added, “That school changed my life and I wanted to pay it forward to the students there now. I was really looking forward to it.”

So why was Nicki denied access to the school? According to Gossip Cop and the New York City Department of Education, Minaj wasn’t allowed in the school because she wanted to film the experience and that is prohibited.

A spokesperson for the Department of Education said, “Of course alumni are welcome back to our campuses and we love to celebrate their success, providing it does not interrupt the educational process. Alumni visit all the time and address students.”

The spokesperson added, “However, we do not allow reality TV to be filmed on school property. For documentaries, any visit to a public school must be educational in nature and cannot intrude on instruction.”

Minaj fans took to Twitter to defend the “Anaconda” rapper as an inspiration and voice their upset about her not speaking at the high school.

So tell me what you think, do you think Nicki Minaj alma mater’s was just for denying her access to the school?

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