Tags that belong tomovies

Trailer Thursday: Dark Skies

03Jan 2013

Happy New Year My Glamberous Ones! It's our first Trailer Thursday of the year and boy do I have a

Best of 2012: Movies

31Dec 2012

2012 has been a good year for movies! Many anticipated films and some fluffers have been released but you can't

GGB’s Favorite Halloween Moments in Films

31Oct 2012

Halloween doesn't have to be all ghouls, goblins, freaks and geeks. It can be a time where you

Trailer Thursday: Mama

25Oct 2012

Halloween is a mere week away so I don't have much time to get you all frightened before

Pop Culture Dads To Celebrate on Father’s Day

17Jun 2012

It's that wonderful time of year again when we celebrate and acknowledge the angels in our lives that