Tags that belong tomovies

13 Days of Glamberween: “Killer Klowns From Outer Space”

19Oct 2013

kicks off now! Now until Halloween, October 31st duh, I will be giving Halloween inspired content along

Glambergirlblog’s Five Favorite Fictional Frenemies – Ladies Edition

24Jun 2013

Girls are thought to be very emotional and catty creatures, so much so that friendships between girlfriends can

BHM Spotlight: Tyler Perry

15Feb 2013

February is the special month in which we honor and celebrate African-Americans, past and present, for all their

BHM Spotlight: Denzel Washington

07Feb 2013

February is the special month in which we honor and celebrate African-Americans, past and present, for all their

2013 Critics’ Choice Movie Awards: The Winners

10Jan 2013

The 18th annual Congrats to all the BEST ACTING ENSEMBLE Silver Linings Playbook BEST YOUNG ACTOR OR ACTRESS Quvenzhane Wallis, Beasts of