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‘SNL’ Takes On Spike Jonze Film “Her” With Jonah Hill Starring in “Me” [VIDEO]

26Jan 2014

In the ) programmed to fulfill his every need. On  The operating system in this film sounded just like Jonah

Jonah Hill Hosts ‘SNL’ And Gets Pep Talk From Pal Leonardo DiCaprio [VIDEO]

26Jan 2014

. Jonah Hill had quite the memorable opening monologue this time around as he took the stage and began

WATCH: Wendy Williams Sheds Tears On Show – “My Son Doesn’t Like Me Anymore” [VIDEO]

21Jan 2014

The queen of talk is known for memorable antics ranging in emotion but this one threw audience

SNL Mocks New Jersey Governor, A Rod and Justin Bieber in Cold Open Monologue [VIDEO]

19Jan 2014

during the cold open might have stole the show for me. (Drake) about his ban from baseball and Justin

Drake Hosts SNL – Watch His Best Clips + Performances [VIDEO]

19Jan 2014

This weekend rapper  and he did amazing! Many of Drake's sketches showcased his rapping abilities but who knew he