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Is The ‘Breaking Dawn’ Part 2 Trailer Releasing During The PCA?

10Jan 2012

Looks like the hype for the finale of the "Twilight Saga" is heating up already. Fans are still

Quick Movie Review: The Spread of Germs Is Real in ‘Contagion’

25Sep 2011

I don't think of myself as a germaphobic but I do often find myself reaching for hand sanitizer

Quick Movie Thoughts: Taylor Lautner Stars In ‘Abduction’

25Sep 2011

I must admit, I didn't know how I really felt about Taylor Lautner's new film "Abduction." The previews

Fall Movie Preview

12Aug 2011

Entertainment Weekly's Fall preview issue got me to thinking about all the movies I'm excited to see this

Breaking Dawn Trailer Breakdown

05Jun 2011

NOTE: THE TRAILER HAS BEEN REMOVED FOR THE MOMENT!! Ok I had a moment to calm down. I'm still