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‘Snow White and The Huntsman’ Cast Read ’50 Shades of Grey’ Excerpts With MTV

21May 2012

I simply adore Josh! I think he is a great reporter, does amazing bonus features with the celebs

The Most Scared As Sh*t Movies Moments

13May 2012

I don't know what's so fun about being scared when watching movies? Maybe it's the anticipation of knowing

Goodbye Edward Cullen: Robert Pattinson Transforms In ‘Bel Ami’

05May 2012

Girls prepare yourselves! If you didn't lust for Robert Pattinson now you will after seeing 'Bel Ami.' Thanks

That’s my boy! Robert Pattinson Lands New Role!

02May 2012

News was announced today that my Robbie is I'm so glad to see Robbie was able to escape

The Life Lessons You Can Learn From Disney Films

13Apr 2012

As children we watched Walt Disney films and thought nothing much of it as being an entertaining story with