‘Jimmy Kimmel Live’ Previews Spoof Musical ‘A Christmas Karen’

14 Dec2021
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In recent years the term “Karen” has circulated on social media and in real life to describe a woman (typical a White woman) when she displays an insane level of entitlement during what would be a normal situation. Many of these encounters have gone viral thanks to people having mobile devices always within reach and have resulted in dire consequences for the Karen like losing their jobs, public respect, and some have even been arrested for their belligerent behavior.

Jimmy Kimmel decided to put a comedic holiday spin on what he calls “Karen-mania.” In a bit from Jimmy Kimmel LiveKimmel reveals a new musical has opened up in Hollywood called “A Christmas Karen.” Cast from the spoof show was invited to give the audience a taste of what to expect. Putting a “Karen” spin on classic Christmas carols, the ladies performed snippets of their version of “Jingle Bells,” “Oh Christmas Tree,” “We Wish You A Merry Christmas,” “Hark, The Herald Angels Sing,” “Deck the Halls,” “Auld Lang Syne,” and lastly “Carol of the Bells.”

I don’t doubt someone has probably already thought of a musical like this. The satire is hilarious and there’s so much material to choose from to make this a long-running show.

Watch “Karens Sing Christmas Carols” in the clip from Jimmy Kimmel Live below. Would you go see this show? Share your thoughts in the comments.

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Photo: YouTube screen grab

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