Respect, Legacy, and Revenge Are ‘Power’ Season 5 Goals For Tommy and Dre

01 Jul2018
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Respect. Legacy. Revenge. The main components and tagline of STARZ hit series Power for the triumphant fifth season returning to the network on Sunday, July 1.

At opposite ends of the power spectrum, Joseph Sikora‘s Tommy and Rotimi Akinosho‘s Dre are mortal enemies with specific agendas for the current season. Glambergirlblog had the opportunity to sit down with the guys who play two of the most memorable characters to see where they rank the tagline for season 5.

“One for Dre is respect. I think two is legacy and revenge is last for him,” Rotimi said. He continued, “I think respect first because these three [Kanan, Tommy, and Ghost] have given him the cold shoulder in terms of allowing him to show what he really can do. He went to Tommy and Tommy said look you not one of us really, so don’t get too ahead of yourself. He went to Ghost, he said look I don’t look like you, but I don’t want to be like you so what can I do, but Ghost said nah this is not what I want. Kanan [is] just an angry, black man, so when it comes down to it none of them showed him the proper respect that he believes in himself. His thing is I want your respect to show you that I am a King Pin. I am a boss in my own right. Legacy will come because I know that if I do this consistently my legacy will live on. Revenge, I don’t think he’s worried about them. I think revenge is the least of his worries.” owner Amber Dover and 'POWER' actor Rotimi/ Photo: Glambergirlblog owner Amber Dover and ‘POWER’ actor Rotimi/ Photo: Glambergirlblog

Sikora’s ranking is a bit different from his co-star. He said, “I think Tommy’s first word would be revenge. I think that he’s obviously gunning for Dre, but it’s also revenge in terms of revenge’s redemption. He needs to redeem himself for his own life because everybody is gunning for him. Second I think it would be legacy and I think legacy is definitely in terms of his father. I think that the familiar part of season 5 for Tommy is huge. Ghost is totally against this relationship. Ghost doubts the validity of this relationship. Tommy’s trying to fill this hole in his life and I think that even the prospect, at least to me, of somebody saying here’s part of your history, here I can give you part of your history. To me that sounds like a pretty powerful thing to learn your past from a real person from your past. The third I would say respect because Tommy doesn’t give a f*ck. Respect me or don’t respect me. I don’t care about you.”

Photo: STARZ

Photo: STARZ

Many of the cast members believe season 5 of Power will be a game changer for their characters. “It’s going to be life and death. This is a huge season for Tommy,” Sikora revealed. “Tommy is going to put it all on the line, but we get to see a Tommy who has remade himself in his own image many times and I think this is the first season where he’s going to remake himself in a new image.” The actor said Tommy has learned from his old faults and will use some of the finesse he learned from Ghost to his advantage in season 5. owner Amber Dover and 'POWER' actor Joseph Sikora/ Photo: Glambergirlblog owner Amber Dover and ‘POWER’ actor Joseph Sikora/ Photo: Glambergirlblog

“To make Dre I had to actually rewatch what Ghost did in season 1 and 2. His mannerisms, how he thought, even Omari’s eye contact I wanted to mirror that enough so that in season 5 I can say he’s similar to Ghost, but he’s his own man now,” Rotimi shared adding this current season is his favorite and rightfully so with the young star really stepping into the forefront as a villain fans love to hate. He’s  “intelligent, calculated, and brilliant” and fans better get ready to see it all unfold in a riveting new season.

Season 5 of Power premieres Sunday, July 1 at 8/7c. Who will be empowered in the new season? Watch the clip below and place your bets in the comments.

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Photo: STARZ

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