The St. Patrick Family Face Major Tragedy In Latest Power Episode ‘That Ain’t Me’

22 Aug2017
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Tensions reach new levels in episode 9 of Power as fans anxiously await for the season 4 finale that will air in the first weekend in September.

It was a slow couple of episodes for the ladies of AandBConvoTV, but this latest episode proved to be the one to bring the action back to the series. When Ghost discovers the shady nature of his new business partner he questions his views on Simon Stern. Could he finally be right about something? Elsewhere Angela gets a promising promotion while Tommy loses the origination, but gains a father. Tasha wants to go clean and Tariq makes a fatal mistake that takes the life of his sister. All this and more in the latest AandBConvoTV Power recap episode.

Watch the latest AandBConvoTV recap of Power in the clip below. Be sure to catch up with the series and watch the entire playlist on YouTube HERE before the season finale on September 3rd. Share your thoughts in the comments.

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Photo: Starz

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