POWER Recap, Season 4, Episode 7 “You Lied to My Face”

07 Aug2017
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It’s the homestretch of Starz hit series Power and although episode 7 of season 4 was a bit slow for me I’m expecting the season to end with a bang with only 2 episodes left until the final episode of the year.

In “You Lied to My Face” Tariq utters those words to Tasha as he continues to ask questions about his parents past. I guess seeing someone murdered right in front of him had no effect. Meanwhile Angela and the rest of her team are determined to find the mole and Greg’s true killer. Tasha has a new love interest and Tommy gets shocking news. All this and more as the ladies of AandBConvoTV discuss episode 7 of Power. 

Watch the Power recap for Season 4, Episode 7 “You Lied to My Face” in clip from AandBConvoTV below. What were your favorite moments from this episode? Do you agree with our views? Share your thoughts in the comments.

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Photo: AandBConvoTV

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