‘POWER’ RECAP – Season 4, Episode 4 “We’re in This Together”

17 Jul2017
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Power has reached an interesting turning point in the season and the fans are living! In season 4, episode 4, “We’re in This Together,” the biggest plot point in the show comes when Angela Valdes realizes the huge mistake she made arresting her former lover James “Ghost” St. Patrick. Could this mean the #FreeGhost hashtag is finally coming true.

Elsewhere in the episode, Tariq is being more reckless than usually with even more disrespect to those closest to him as Slim/Kanan sinks his fangs deeper. Things heat up with Tommy and LaKeisha and Tersei’s suspicious of Tommy’s connection to him is confirmed. Proctor gets dismissed from the St. Patrick case and things are going awry in the organization. Get into all this and more as B Wilson and Amber Dover break down the latest episode of Power. 

Photo: AandBConvo

Photo: AandBConvo

Watch the ladies of AandBConversation recap episode 4, season 4 of Power in the clip below. What were the stand out moments for you? Share your thoughts in the comments.

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Photo: Starz

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