What TV Shows Should You Add To Your Summer Watch List? NEW Episode of 'A&Bconversation' Is LIVE!

22 Jun2017
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Hello All!

If you haven’t subscribed to my YouTube channel (AmberDoverMedia) the time is now! A new episode of A&Bconversation drops tomorrow and I bet you haven’t checked out episodes 1 and 2 yet? I won’t hold it against you if you watch now.

Catch up by watching the video below and then check back later on YuuTube for a new vid all about the shows you should add to your watch list this summer!

Also for my new Power fans a special recap episode will be dropping on Monday, June 26th.

Check out the latest A&Bconversation episode up now on YouTube and be sure to let me know what you think in the comments below.

Follow on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram @Glambergirlblog

Photo: A&Bconversation

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