Ariana Grande Releases Statement Apologizing For “I hate America” Comment

08 Jul2015
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Ariana Grande became the subject of a mild controversy this week when she was caught on videotape pretending to lick donuts and saying she hated America over the July 4th weekend in California at a donut shop.

Since the 22-year-old’s comments, she’s had a noticeable absent presence on social media and dropped out of performing at the Major League Baseball Budweiser All-Star Concert, part of the Pepsi Music Series, in Cincinnati for “health issues,” she just had wisdom teeth removed. The media, and fans alike, have been waiting for Grande to make an official statement and she has.

In a statement to Buzzfeed Grande said, “I am EXTREMELY proud to be an American and I’ve always made it clear that I love my county. What I said in a private moment with my friend, who was buying the donuts, was taken out of context and I am sorry for not using more discretion with my choice of words. As an advocate for healthy eating, food is very important to me and I sometimes get upset by how freely we as Americans eat and consume things without giving any thought to the consequences that it has on our health and society as a whole. The fact that the United States has the highest child obesity rate in the world frustrates me. We need to do more to educate ourselves and our children about the dangers of overeating and the poison that we put into our bodies. We need to demand more from our food industry. However I should have known better in how I expressed myself; and with my new responsibility to others as a public figure I will strive to be better. As for why I cannot be at the MLB show, I have had emergency oral surgery and due to recovery I cannot attend the show. I hope to make it up to all those fans soon. That being said let me once again apologize if I have offended anyone with my poor choice of words.”

I love you Ariana, I swear I do, but I call bullshit. You said something jokingly that people took offense to, so just apologize for offending anyone. To talk about obesity in America and that’s why you made those remarks in that moment seems far-fetch to me, but whatever, she’s sorry. She need to talk about licking them delicious treats.

What do you think about Ariana Grande’s statement regarding the “donut situation?” Share your thoughts in the comments below.

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Photo: Snapchat

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