La La Explains How LaKeisha Evolves In ‘Power’ Season 4

25 Jun2017
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La La Anthony’s LaKeisha Grant is the best friend to Tasha St. Patrick (Naturi Naughton) who has been apart of the Power family since season 1. When we last saw LaKeisha in season 3 her fate was left up in the air after a shady run in with Tommy (Joseph Sikora). In the season 4 premiere the #WhereIsLaKeisha mystery was solved within the first couple of minutes of the new episode – Tommy had her in hiding.

I got the chance to chat with La La about her role in season 4 of Power during the press day for the show in New York City a few weeks back. This season we’ll be seeing a lot more of LaKeisha, in more ways than one. She has a bigger role in the beauty salon front, lots more screen time, and even a love interest. “I think it’s a complicated relationship as I believe most relationships in life are very complicated. This is no different and LaKeisha has a need to want to be loved by any means necessary and not understanding that love is not always right depending on who is giving it to you and how they’re giving it to you, so you get to see that kind of evolve through season 4.”

Evolution is the key word for La La and LaKeisha this season. Having more emotional scenes with different characters from the show added to the growth arch for the actress and her fictional counterpart. “It’s exciting for us because you’re working alongside so many talented actors and actresses that, we always talk about it, it forces you to step your game up. You can’t come to the Power set half ass or not on your A game because these actors are so talented that you have to rise to that level. Me being an actor, it forces me step my game up which is what you need to become great at any craft, so in that way Power has really molded us into being really great at what we do and continues to push us to be even better.”

But better is not always the best, for LaKeisha that is. She learns that the hard way in season 4. “For me I think the theme is be careful what you wish for because you might just get it. LaKeisha has a need to want to be in the world so bad that there’s an underlying jealousy with her best friend Tasha, why her and not me, and she wants it so bad that she’s willing to go through anything to get it which starts kind of the relationship with Tommy, which is a toxic one and not the best thing. When you realize how deep you’re in its hard to get out of it, so I would say that’s definitely what’s happening with my character.”

Tommy and LaKeisha have plenty of on-screen time together in upcoming episodes that lead to very emotional moments for the actors. “I had a couple of those moments with Joe as well throughout the season with us being in this complicated relationship where real tears and real stuff is happening. It’s an out-of-body experience. You’re looking at yourself crying right now and feeling this right now and it made, I hope it made for some good TV.”

For the duration of season 4, see how La La’s character will help the story along. “I’m excited they [fans] get to see more LaKeisha. I’ve always been there, but in a kind of limited, side line role and it’s nice to step out now and really be an intricate part of the show, the story line, and what’s happening. That’s what any actress would dream for and for Courtney [Kemp] to believe in me enough to give me that opportunity now it’s an amazing thing.”

Catch the season 4 premiere of Power on Sunday, June 25, starting at 12:01 am on the STARZ app and On Demand. The network premiere is scheduled for 9pm ET. Also check out myself and B Wilson dissect each episode on a special taping of A&Bconversation premiering every Monday following the new episodes.

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Photo: Courtesy of STARZ

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