Tags that belong toviral video

Viral Video: Baby Cries Listening To Mom Sing Emotional Song [VIDEO]

01Nov 2013

And in totally adorable news: A I can across this video during my late night Tumblr binge and

Viral Video: Robert Pattinson and Katy Perry Sing Boyz II Men At Karaoke – YESSS!!

25Oct 2013

This is seriously the best thing I've ever seen in my entire life! I seriously can not stop laughing.  classic

Viral Video: Zach Galifianakis Spanks Justin Bieber on ‘Between Two Ferns’ [VIDEO]

26Sep 2013

 on During the comedic sit down the actor is excited to talk to the singer during the middle

Viral Video: Jimmy Fallon and Justin Timberlake Take on #Hashtags [VIDEO]

25Sep 2013

We're all guilty of having a case of the hashtags. You know; an unnecessary use of adding the

When Being A Diva Goes Wrong: Beyonce’s Hair Gets “Snatched” In Diva Fan Mid Song

23Jul 2013

Leave it to to turn an embarrassing situation into a moment of motivation! Sometimes being a diva can