Tags that belong toVEDA

Why You Should Watch…’Room 104′ [TRAILER]

16Aug 2017

It's "Why You Should Watch..." Wednesday over on my YouTube channel as part of my Now back to

The Sense8 Family Thanks The Fans In #HappyBirthdaySense8 Video

09Aug 2017

Yes Sensates  In the video Lana Wachowski talked about the show getting cancelled on what the fans did to get

Monday Motivation: Plan B Is Better Than Nothing

07Aug 2017

When the blogger's away just know it's not for play, usually! It's been a minute my Glambies but it's

Netflix’s New Original Movie Asks “What Happened To Monday?”

03Aug 2017

In an overpopulated world the government has mandated that families are only allowed to have one child, but

What Is VEDA and Why Should Vloggers Participate?

30Jul 2017

Faithful GGB readers it's time to shake some things up for August. As you may know GGB has gone