Tags that belong toTwilight

Breaking Dawn Part 2 Teases Bella’s Vampire Status – “We’re the same temperature now”

20Mar 2012

It's only a trailer so I'm sure they won't give us too much but what are you

The Best On Screen Fictional Couples in TV and Film

14Feb 2012

Well lovers it's that time of year again. Bring out the conversation hearts, chocolate covered strawberries, flowers, teddy

Is The ‘Breaking Dawn’ Part 2 Trailer Releasing During The PCA?

10Jan 2012

Looks like the hype for the finale of the "Twilight Saga" is heating up already. Fans are still

Confessions of a Twihard

29Dec 2011

Ryan had a very interesting topic in his first post back in 2010 by compiling a Twilight  bucket

Breaking Down Breaking Dawn Part 1

18Nov 2011

The Twilight Saga Breaking Dawn Part 1 is finally in theaters! I saw the midnight showing last night