Tags that belong toTaylor Lautner

Glory: The Twilight Saga Lives On

07Jan 2013

I knew The "Twilight" Saga would live on just not in the way us Twihards would really hope. For

Happy Holidays, “You Filthy Animals”

25Dec 2012

Hello my Glamberous Ones! I wanted to take the time to wish you all a very happy holiday no

12-12-12: 12 Things That We’ll Never See/Experience Again!

12Dec 2012

If you're like me and sometimes get so wrapped up in a busy schedule that you often forget

Besties: Robert Pattinson and Taylor Lautner Sealed With a Pinky Swear

28Nov 2012

I mean we all know Robert Pattinson and Taylor Lautner are pretty darn cute by themselves but put

16DOT: Exploring “New Moon”

13Nov 2012

Continuing to explore each film within the "Twilight" series, let's take a look at the film that started