Tags that belong toTaran Killam

Kevin Hart Goes To ‘Night School’ To Earn GED In New Movie

05Apr 2018

Earlier this week the first look at the Will Packer project dropped in the form of a trailer.

Ariana Grande Lives On A Cloud And Clears Up ‘Problems’ Lyrics In ‘SNL’ Promos

09Mar 2016

Well that came up fast! This weekend, March 12, In her promos for the live sketch comedy series, she

Michael Keaton Channels Batman And Beetlejuice In SNL Monologue [VIDEO]

05Apr 2015

returned to  In the opening monologue, Keaton began to explain that the first time he hosted was back

‘SNL’ Pokes Fun at ‘The Fault in Our Stars’ and Ebola Virus in Clever Clip [VIDEO]

05Oct 2014

from the popular book turned film "The Fault in Our Stars." In the punned film, " in the

SNL Mocks New Jersey Governor, A Rod and Justin Bieber in Cold Open Monologue [VIDEO]

19Jan 2014

during the cold open might have stole the show for me. (Drake) about his ban from baseball and Justin