Tags that belong toSaturday Night Live

Justin Timberlake Hosts SNL & Joins The Five-Timers Club

10Mar 2013

Ladies and Gentleman, two words: JUSTIN TIMBERLAKE! After last night's episode of , SNL, I've found a new love and appreciate

Kevin Hart as Quvenzhané Wallis on SNL

03Mar 2013

First time host and Philadelphia native served as host this past weekend for Saturday Night Live, SNL. The comedian turned

Justin Timberlake Set To Return To SNL & Take Over Late Night

22Feb 2013

is dusting off the old suit and tie and On March 9, JT is set to host

Christoph Waltz in ‘Djesus Uncrossed’: SNL Parody [VIDEO]

17Feb 2013

Lord please forgive for laughing so hard and I hope you can find a sense of humor in

Happy Valentine’s Day From Garth and Kat [VIDEO]

14Feb 2013

Hello Glamberous Ones; especially all you lovers out there! Today is ! The day cupid's arrow stuck you right