Tags that belong tomovies

2012 MTV Movie Awards: The Recap

03Jun 2012

Fun and Janelle Monae opened the show with a performance of "We Are Young", following a typical monologue

MTV Movie Awards Excitement!

03Jun 2012

Today is the day people and I am so excited! You would think I was nominated for

The Most Scared As Sh*t Movies Moments

13May 2012

I don't know what's so fun about being scared when watching movies? Maybe it's the anticipation of knowing

Top Heartbreaking Scenes: McAdams Edition

25Mar 2012

Watching "The Notebook" last night got me to thinking about how utterly beautiful actress Rachel McAdams is and

My Top Five Heartbreaking Scenes

12Nov 2011

Heartbreak is no fun but great moments in film come from the scenes that can make at least