Tags that belong tomovie

Is The ‘Breaking Dawn’ Part 2 Trailer Releasing During The PCA?

10Jan 2012

Looks like the hype for the finale of the "Twilight Saga" is heating up already. Fans are still

Kanye West Tweets About Working On ‘The Jetsons’ Movie

06Jan 2012

I don't know who to believe? I would really like to hope that a film is in the

Breaking Down Breaking Dawn Part 1

18Nov 2011

The Twilight Saga Breaking Dawn Part 1 is finally in theaters! I saw the midnight showing last night

Twilight Overload!!

25Oct 2011

Twilighters get ready to EXPLODE!!! I KNOW it's a lot to take in and believe me I can

Quick Movie Review: The Spread of Germs Is Real in ‘Contagion’

25Sep 2011

I don't think of myself as a germaphobic but I do often find myself reaching for hand sanitizer