Tags that belong toLela Loren

‘Power’ Creator Courtney Kemp Explains Why Killing Dre Isn’t What Fans Really Want

01Jul 2018

STARZ hit series  The ending of season 4 served a devastating lost for the St. Patrick family after losing

Power’s Lela Loren Discusses How Things Go Wrong For Ghost In Season 4

21Jun 2017

She's the woman fans love to hate on the hit series Loren's character Angela is single handily responsible

Ghost Suits Up In Orange In The First Teaser For ‘Power’ Season 4

26Apr 2017

"I'm a business man, I'm a husband, a father, and a friend. Nothing more, nothing less" are the

A Sneak Peek Of ‘Power’ Season 4 Shows Ghost In Jail

12Oct 2016

The third, and maybe the most stressful, season of Starz hit series  Power season 4 will be coming Summer 2017. Power fans are