Tags that belong toJosh Horowitz

Robert Pattinson Talks Singing Keri Hilson’s “Pretty Girl Rock” In ‘The Rover’ With MTV News [VIDEO]

17Jun 2014

Can I just say that I'm extremely happy that has a new movie to promote because 1. I

Photo Op: Robert Pattinson Gets “Happy, Sad, Confused” With MTV’s Josh Horowitz

14Jun 2014

," currently in theaters in New York and LA. Pattinson stopped by MTV to speak with one of my

Photo Op: Kristen Stewart Gets “Happy, Sad, Confused” With MTV’s Josh Horowitz At Sundance

17Jan 2014

Now this photo op contains two of the things I really love: my favorite journalist ! Stewart and Horowitz

MTV’s Josh Horowitz Moderates Apple Store Talk With The Cast and Screenwriter of “Rush” [TRAILER]

20Sep 2013

This week's ." "Rush" tells the story of the real-life rivarly between Formula One race car rivals captures an

MTV Movie Awards 2013: The Nominees

05Mar 2013

On Tuesday, March 5, the in revealing the nominees for the award show set to air in