Tags that belong toGlamberween

8 Haunted House Horror Films To Watch For Spooky Season [Glamberween]

25Oct 2023

The haunted house has been a staple in Horror films for decades and a big part of Spooky

13 Horror Movie Sequels That Don’t Suck [Glamberween]

24Oct 2023

The Horror movie sequel can be a blessing or a curse. On one hand, it can be a

Who Really won In ‘Freddy vs. Jason’? [Glamberween]

19Oct 2023

As a Horror lover, I can admit there are aspects of the genre that I have yet to

‘American Horror Stories’ Returns for A Special Huluween Event [Official Trailer]

16Oct 2023

The third installment of Hulu’s It’s a little over a week until the American Horror Stories premiere date,

Glambergirlblog’s Most Anticipated 2023 Spooky Season Films and TV Shows

02Oct 2023

This October there are a few films and TV shows I can't wait to watch. One is new