Tags that belong toEntertainment

Surviving The Twilight Marathon

02Oct 2012

Robert Pattinson said it best, "Twilight fans are on the verge of being clinically insane." No words can

NYFW: GGB: Fashion Focus – Meet Jree Desiree!

05Sep 2012

New York Fashion Week, NYFW, Spring 2013 is upon us! We are ONE day away from the official

Viral Video: Bad Lip-Reading:Twilight

04Sep 2012

Seriously THEE laugh of my week! I'm calling it. Check out the hilarious bad lip read

Glambergirlblog Thanks YOU!!

19Jul 2012

It's that type of post again Glamberous ones! The time where I set aside a post just for

Question Of The Day: Is Drake the King of The Music Sample?

14Jul 2012

It's been done many times before, music artists sample or take a spin on popular and older songs.