Tags that belong toEmma Stone

“Envelopegate” and ‘La La Land’ Combine For The New Honest Trailer

02May 2017

Followers of GGB on this blog and social media know how much I am absolutely in love with

James Corden Uses “La La Land’s” Audition Song To Explain Oscars Best Picture Mistake

28Feb 2017

I honestly don't think this will die down anytime soon. I'm still seeing videos and comments about the

#Envelopegate – What Really Went Down With The Oscars Best Picture Mix Up

27Feb 2017

Now that the dust has settled, well not really. Last night's If you missed it, " I've done my

Jimmy Kimmel Presents Mean Tweets – Oscars Edition Starring Ryan Gosling, Emma Stone, and More

27Feb 2017

Host Jimmy Kimmel brought his If you're not familiar, the Mean Tweets clips gets celebrities to read mean,

Emma Stone Talks Awkward Golden Globes Hug On ‘JKL’

08Feb 2017

Stone's film " On JKL Stone laughed off the incident and agreed with Kimmel when he joked about the un-choreographed moment