Tags that belong toEllen DeGeneres

The Daytime Emmy Awards 2013: The Nominations

01May 2013

celebrates every genre in television from game shows, children's programs, talk shows, soap operas and more along

Gwyneth Paltrow Impersonates Jay-Z, Beyoncé and More on The Ellen Show

26Apr 2013

has officially received her "down card" with me! In the game The Martins sing to each other and have

Viral Video: SNL’s Kate McKinnon Impersonates Ellen on Ellen

24Apr 2013

They say imitation is the greatest form of flattery so , decided to poke a little fun at the

Finding Nemo Sequel ‘Finding Dory’ Set To Make Splash In Theaters

06Apr 2013

The wait for a new Nov. 25, 2015. The follow-up to the 2003 hit will be directed by Andrew Stanton, and

Photo Op: Ellen DeGeneres Is In Awe of Katy Perry’s Boobies

11Feb 2013

Only  can get away with staring at a woman's chest in front of her wife and the world