Tags that belong toEdward Cullen

10 Times The Twilight Saga Was Relatable AF

16Nov 2022

On November 16, 2012, "Twilight" fans know how scarring that battle scene in "Breaking Dawn Part 2" was

Viral Video: Bad Lip Reading With Twilight: Eclipse

26Apr 2014

are back as their infamous "Twilight" characters Bella, Edward and Jacob in another edition of Bad Lip

Breaking Dawn Part 2 DVD Set To Release on March 2!

23Feb 2013

Twihards Unite! And maybe for the last time. *tear* In a week our beloved saga will be complete. On

Movie Extras: Full Extended Scene of Edward and Bella Cullen’s Morning After

10Jan 2013

I think the big heads at Summit are either greedy little bastards or secretly love "Twilight" as much as we do

Viral Video: How Twilight Breaking Dawn Part 2 Should Have Ended

06Jan 2013

Just because The "Twilight" Saga has ended doesn't mean the jokes about the pop culture phenomenon has to. How