Tags that belong toCarrie

One of My Favorite Films Celebrates 45th Anniversary – Relive ‘Carrie’

16Nov 2021

I've lost count of how many times I've seen the 1976 film "Carrie." The Brian De Palma directed

Watch: Chloë Grace Moretz Stars in The ‘Carrie’ Remake [FULL TRAILER]

04Apr 2013

is one of my all time favorite films! So when any remake of the infamous 1976 film

Check It Out: ‘Carrie’ Teaser Trailer Released

16Oct 2012

Things are about to get cray! And not just regular cray, I'm talking pig's blood dumped on you

The Best On Screen Fictional Couples in TV and Film

14Feb 2012

Well lovers it's that time of year again. Bring out the conversation hearts, chocolate covered strawberries, flowers, teddy