Tags that belong to50 Shades of Grey

The Quest for Christian Grey! Part Duex

28Jul 2012

Your twitching palms and lip bites have been brought to my attention! It seems you, the readers, can

Here’s Your Christian Grey Update

11Jul 2012

It's official!! I am in love with Matt Bomer and I don't care who knows it! My obsession

The Quest For Anastasia Steele!

27Jun 2012

The funny thing about "50 Shades of Grey" is that Christian Grey is not the only character in

A Glamberous Book Review: ’50 Shades of Grey’ Is 50 Shades of Awesome!

03Jun 2012

The ' 50 Shades' trilogy follows the ups and downs of the relationship between young, naive Anastasia Steele and successful,

‘Snow White and The Huntsman’ Cast Read ’50 Shades of Grey’ Excerpts With MTV

21May 2012

I simply adore Josh! I think he is a great reporter, does amazing bonus features with the celebs