Top 25 Pop Culture Stories of 2012 (25 – 20)

28Dec 2012

Glamberous Ones we are four days away from bringing in a new year! I can't even believe how

Movie Review: Django Unchained

27Dec 2012

Quentin Tarantino's " As an African American woman I am educated and aware of the histories of my ancestors and understand

Trailer Thursday: Gangster Squad

27Dec 2012

Jammed packed with some of Hollywood's finest; "Gangster Squad" made the cut for this week's Trailer Thursday not only for

Happy Holidays, “You Filthy Animals”

25Dec 2012

Hello my Glamberous Ones! I wanted to take the time to wish you all a very happy holiday no

Scary Movie 5 Trailer Debuted

23Dec 2012

The trailer for "Scary Movie 5" has been released and the film indeed looks scary and by scary I