Women We Love Wednesday: Kate Middleton

24Jul 2013

Hello, Glamberous ones! Here I am again with this Wednesday's edition of . . That's kind of a big

Question of the Day: Are Jennifer Lawrence and Nicholas Hoult Back Together?

18Jul 2013

Let's face it. If we were lucky enough, we would be dating either right now if we

‘Amazing Spider Man 2’ Star Jamie Foxx Frightens as Electro in Teaser Clip

18Jul 2013

Honestly, has . Because the The translucent disguise Foxx dons in the movie paired with the creepy line, "You

Women We Love Wednesday: Beyonce

17Jul 2013

Hello there . We all know that Beyonce is fierce and fabulous. She's a true talent and a businesswoman

Sharknado Harbors 1.4 Million Viewers and A Possible Sequel!

12Jul 2013

Thank you to Syfy for bringing us this fabulous new gem in the pop culture world! On Thursday