TV Recap: ‘Tell Me Lies’ Season 2, Episode 6 [+ Commentary] Thankful For a Plateful of Mess

03 Oct2024
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The holiday season is approaching at Baird College and I’m grateful to be watching of show of complete idiots for my entertainment. In Tell Me Lies episode 6, entitled “Do Your Dirty Words Come Out to Play?,” a snow storm forces all the characters together in a slow burn meltdown. Let’s get into it.

It’s the day before Evan and Bree’s wedding and Bree is on the phone with someone. She’s trying to break something off with the anonymous caller. Could this still be Oliver all these years later? At the rehearsal dinner cocktail hour, Lucy and Bree have an interaction and asks if Lydia will be there. She’s at the hotel but she’ll be at the wedding. In comes Diana to Lucy and Bree’s shock. They haven’t seen her in years. Pippa joins her and everyone is gagged. Pippa introduces Diana as the woman that she’s been seeing to Lucy and Bree. Pleasantries are exchanged. Pippa doesn’t want to answer any questions but says things are good. Seated for dinner, Stephen makes a speech that takes jabs at his past relationship with Diana and Lucy saying he found someone worth changing for while making eye contact with Lucy.

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Back at the hotel Lucy texts Stephen while Max is in the shower saying to meet her at the pool. He said he’ll be there in 15 minutes. Lucy tells Max she needs fresh air and later we see them having sex in the pool when Stephen walks up. Lucy had me in the beginning. I thought she was being a Brainless Brittany again, but she was being a Petty Betty. My girl! After all these years Stephen and Lucy are still playing these twisted games.

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It’s November 2008 at Baird College and Lucy and Leo are still going strong. He’s proving once more that he’s a good guy protecting Lucy’s head from banging a headboard while having sex. It’s snowing real badly so Lucy won’t have to travel home for the Thanksgiving holiday. Leo is avoiding a call from his mom and later talks to Lucy about not getting along with his dad and how his mom wants him to make peace with it. Lucy talks about her dad dying but Leo informs her their situation isn’t the same.

Bree talks to Oliver, who is out of town with Marianne, while standing in line for Thanksgiving dinner. They sell out. Evan and Wrigley walk up, talking about Molly and how Evan and her are basically in a relationship even though he doesn’t think so. Bree and Evan have a cute chat and because Bree was so nice, compared to the last time they talked, Evan thinks it’s an opportunity for them to reconnect. He plans to invite her to a Friendsgiving. At the dorm. Lucy and Bree talk about Oliver a bit and Pippa comes in on the phone with Wrigley inviting them all to Evan’s for Friendsgiving. Lucy thinks it a bad idea to have a holiday with an ex, but Bree is down to go to get food and because she likes to see Evan grovel. Stephen isn’t supposed to be there, and Molly isn’t either. Pippa tells the girls she’s not sleeping with Wrigley even though Bree is convinced they are.

Diana and Stephen’s plans to go to Connecticut for the holidays are changed because there is a rift between her and her dad because she failed the LSAT. Stephen insists Diana and her dad mend whatever is wrong. It’s obvious Diana is Stephen’s ticket to a better life and he’s not trying to let that slip away. At Evan’s apartment, Wrigley calls Drew but he doesn’t answer. We still have no idea what happened to Drew. Will we ever? Molly shows up at Evan’s unexpectedly saying the roads are bad, so she wanted to come there.

Evan and Wrigley have no idea what they are doing in the kitchen as they prep for guests to come. Wrigley tells Molly that Bree is coming to dinner and that he invited her so it won’t seem like it was Evan’s idea. Leo, Lucy, Pippa, and Bree arrive and Evan’s heart eyes for Bree can be seen from space. Molly introduces herself to Bree as someone who has been hanging out with Evan. Bree starts to mark her territory taking off her sweater and saying she left a hairdryer in his bathroom to help defrost the turkey. She takes a sexy selfie for Oliver then Evan walks in. She says she missed that particular hairdryer, and Evan tells her she’s welcomed anytime to come get it. Evan is down bad. Stephen and Diana enter Evan’s place and it’s awkward. So just like Thanksgiving TV episodes past, a recipe for disaster is cooking.

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Lucy notices Pippa and Diana being friendly and think it’s weird. Leo being boyfriend of the year tries to ease her state of mind with a kiss. Diana is uncomfortable and wants to leave but Stephen says they’re not and that her daddy issues left them no other option. It’s a passive aggressive “joke” from Stephen and Pippa witnesses it. She gets Diana out of the situation by asking her for help to make boxed mashed potatoes. Lucy sees them interacting again and needs a break. Outside with Bree, Lucy questions Diana and Pippa’s relationship and Bree questions if Wrigley and Pippa are sleeping together. Bree vents about wanting to be with Oliver and calls him her “boyfriend.” Pippa comes out to the gossip and Bree throws Lucy under the bus saying Lucy wonders why she’s hanging out with Diana. Pippa says she’s just being nice and that Stephen is being mean to her. Lucy is annoyed by this comment saying Stephen is mean to everyone. Back inside, Diana tries to joke with Pippa but she shuts it down obviously taking what Lucy said to heart.

Cooking is not going well but everyone is pushing through. Leo is in the kitchen chopping onions helping Evan when Lucy joins him and Stephen is in there too starting mess. He asks Leo if he still talks to Becca, his ex, and Leo is agitated knowing exactly what Stephen is doing telling Lucy to ignore him before making out with her in front of Stephen. Everyone is actively avoiding Stephen, and I think Stephen loves being the bad guy. He thrives off it. Pippa walks in on Diana and Molly talking about Chris and his rape allegations. Molly tries to brush them off and Diana knowing what she knows low key comes to Pippa’s defense. Molly and Bree have a moment and Bree takes the high road saying the breakup with Evan was amicable and that she’s seeing someone new. Stephen tactics are working and Lucy questions Leo about what Stephen’s Becca’s comments meant. Wrigley tells Evan that Molly and Bree are talking, and he freaks. Molly wonders why he cares so much about Bree and tells him Bree is seeing someone and he has a strong reaction. Molly is starting to see Evan is still into Bree. Everyone is on their phone and the vibe is just off so Wrigley suggests they play “Slap Shots.” It’s where they slap each other and take shots. Stephen goats Leo asking if he can handle “controlled violence.” A room for a people who hate each and yet Wrigley thinks it’s a good idea for them to play a game where they assault each other.

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This is how the game is played. The slapper pours a shot then slaps someone. The slapped person then picks someone and repeats. Like why is this a thing? The tension in this scene was high although Unk’s “Walk It Out” is playing in the background. Bree slaps Lucy. Lucy slaps Bree. Lucy slaps Wrigley. Wrigley slaps Stephen and then Stephen eyes Leo. I was about to throw up! We know how violent Leo can get. Stephen hits Leo HARD but he just takes it. Leo pours a shot for Pippa but doesn’t hit her. Pippa then pours a shot for Diana and play slaps her, but when Diana pours one for her she actually does a real slap. Pippa pours a shot for Evan, who isn’t playing and just wants to get drunk. She doesn’t want to slap him cause he’s the host, so Evan nominates Stephen to take his hit. Pippa slaps Stephen hard and pretty much everyone is loving it. Lucy is smirking it up. Stephen eyes Lucy and Leo, but picks Leo to slap AGAIN. And slaps him hard AGAIN. Leo pours Stephen a shot and you would think Leo was going to lay Stephen’s ass out, but he takes the high road and just rubs his face. It’s perfect that Leo is wearing a green sweater because he is a walking green flag. Stephen is displeased by this. Evan takes the bottle and pours a shot for Bree and instead of slapping her he caresses her face. Bree pours Molly a shot and slaps Evan before walking out. Game over, but not for Stephen!

He asks Lucy if she actually met Becca and then Leo reveals Becca cheated on him with Stephen. Lucy is weirded out that Leo didn’t mention that and Leo sees what Stephen is doing and tries to get Lucy to focus. Diana walks in and it’s revealed more that Diana broke up with Stephen because of the cheat with Becca. Lucy thinks Leo started dating her to get back at Stephen and Leo gets in his face a bit after Stephen makes snide comments calling his obsession pathetic. Diana tries to get in between the boys and Stephen says Lucy is the one obsessed with him airing out all the shady stuff Lucy did – “verbally assaulting” his sister. That does the trick and Lucy curses Stephen out showing a side of herself Leo never saw. He’s gagged watching it happen. Diana and Lucy have words and Diana says “some girls make it easy to treat them like shit.” Lucy slaps Diana.

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Leo walks out and Stephen tells Lucy to get out all hype. Lucy finds him but it’s too late. Leo realizes whatever Stephen and Lucy are doing is sick. They get in an argument and Leo talks about his dad being physically abusive until he hit him back. Leo doesn’t want to be triggered and wants to unlearn his past behavior. Being with Lucy isn’t a good idea. He tells Lucy that she uses the worst shit against people and she fights dirty. CLOCK IT. He ends things with Lucy. I’m sad to see Leo go, because he’s so nice to look at, but good for him for getting away from this toxic ass group of people. Lucy goes back into Evan’s, apologizes to Diana, and leaves. Evan pulls Bree aside and asks if she’s seeing someone. Bree doesn’t get into much detail but says it’s serious and he’s 45. Evan says no normal 45-year-old man would want to date a 19-year-old and that he’s worried. Bree is offended that Evan says this mystery guy probably knows she’s looking for a father figure because of how she grew up. Bree storms out. Wrigley, Evan, Pippa, Stephen, and Diana are left at the dinner with a still raw turkey.

Pippa asks Diana if she’s alright after the Lucy slap and everyone is getting ready to sleepover. Pippa tells Diana that Stephen isn’t very nice to her, and she tries to brush it off. Diana tells Pippa they can be friends because they like each other and not just because they worry about each other. Bree goes to Lucy’s dorm, and they lay in bed together defeated. Lucy says she’s so sad and starts to see maybe she’s the problem. Pippa is at Evan’s and can’t sleep, so she texts Diana who is on the other couch a few feet away from her. They presumable text until they fall asleep, and I really love their relationship unfolding. The next morning Evan is cleaning up and talks to Stephen about trying not to upset people and Stephen says he stopped caring if people think he’s a POS. Evan basically says Stephen actually does care what people think about him. Bree gets a call from Oliver, and everything is right in her little world. Lastly, Lucy runs into Stephen on campus and tells him that he won. She’s destroyed, she never wanted to be at war with him and that she loved him despite all his flaws. Lucy asks why he’s punishing her then walks away. Stephen begins to process.

With only two episodes left I’m not sure how all this is going to get wrapped up. Per usual there are way more questions getting introduced and not enough answers be resolved. I need more lies so I hope the show gets renewed for a third season.

New episodes of Tell Me Lies airs Wednesdays on Hulu.

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Photo: Hulu

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