May 2023 Watch List (Streaming and Theater Releases)

01 May2023
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Guess what…it’s gonna be (well is it) May and it’s going to be a great month of television and film. We’re almost at the halfway mark of 2023 and this is the time of year when summer blockbusters start to hit theaters and many streaming faves return and new series premiere.

Kicking off my May watch list will be “Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3.” The Guardians was the first movie that got me invested in the MCU and still remains my favorite aspect of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. “The Little Mermaid” is also going to be huge. The 1989 version is in my top 5 animated Disney films and I have high expectations. I haven’t been too disappointed with the live-action Disney remakes so I’m sure I’ll be pleased with the outcome.

Keep in mind these are the projects I have MY eye on, so they might not fall in line with yours, but that’s what the comments are for. I’m showing you mine, so show me yours. After checking out my list below share what TV shows and films you’re most excited to watch this May in the comments.

May 2023 Watch List

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3″ (in theaters May 5)

The Great season 3 (on Hulu May 12)

XO, Kitty (on Netflix May 18)

Sanctuary” (in theaters May 19)

Platonic (on Apple TV+ May 24)

The Little Mermaid” (in theaters May 26)

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Photo: Marvel Studios

Categories Entertainment Movie Television

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