Crime Has No Punishment in The Trippy Brandon Cronenberg Written and Directed “Infinity Pool” [REVIEW]

05 Feb2023
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Traveling to a foreign country can be an exciting and luxurious adventure, but some places have an underbelly sinister world that could alter the trajectory of your life in the worst way. That’s the general premise of “Infinity Pool,” the latest work from writer-director Brandon Cronenberg. (SPOILERS AHEAD)

Cronenberg’s “Infinity Pool” follows James (Alexander Skarsgård) and Em (Cleopatra Coleman) Foster enjoying a low-key vacation at the all-inclusive resort on the fictional island of La Tolqa. James is a writer experiencing imposter syndrome and is seeking inspiration while on the island for his next work. Financing their lives at the moment, Em is the daughter of a major publisher and seems a bit resentful about the current status of their lives.

One day at the resort James meets Gabi Bauer (Mia Goth) who claims to be a huge fan of his latest book. Gabi introduces James to her husband Alban (Jalil Lespert) and insists he joins them for dinner. The couple seems harmless enough but an underlying tension is building the following day when James and Em are invited for a picnic off the resort grounds with Gabi and Alban. The island of La Tolqa is not one to be explored by tourists. It’s clear the dangers that can be faced outside the walls of the resort because there are literally barbed wires around the grounds. That is the first real indication that the story was about to go south.

Mia Goth and Alexander Skarsgård in Infinity Pool/ Photo: Neon 

James and Gabi have a clear chemistry that is tested while the couples are at the beachside picnic but things go south quickly when James runs over and kills a pedestrian during their drive back to the resort. Eventually, the local police catch word and come to arrest James and Em. This is where things get weird. In La Tolqa there is a zero-tolerance policy for crime with only two outcomes. Either you’ll be executed, or, if you’re rich enough to afford it, a clone of yourself will take your place in the execution. James, thanks to Em, can afford the latter.

Alexander Skarsgård in Infinity Pool./ Photo: Neon 

With his morals now all askew, James falls in line with Gabi and her friends, who have all been cloned multiple times and enjoy committing heinous crimes while on vacation knowing there will be no real consequences for them. As a viewer, you begin to ask yourself what would you be willing to do knowing your crimes can never truly go unpunished. The film continues with this premise until the twisted end with James being a pawn the entire time in Gabi’s psychological warfare.

Mia Goth in Infinity Pool/ Photo: Neon 

Cinematically the film is stunning with Karim Hussain playing with the colors and scope of the island. Composer Tim Hecker adds an additional character with sound, but Mia Goth is the star. In 2022 Goth solidified herself as a scream queen with the release of “X” and “Pearl” and her success in the roles;  many felt Goth deserved an Oscar nomination for “Pearl.” In “Infinity Pool” Mia goes from a sweet and non-threatening woman like Maxine, her character in “X,” to an unhinged sociopath like Pearl. Mia is the sole reason I went to the theaters to see “Infinity Pool” and it was worth it. The film is very violent at times and it does take a certain mindset to enjoy, but if you can it can start a great conversation about morals. “Let’s find out what kind of creature you really are.”

“Infinity Pool” is playing now in theaters.

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Photo: Neon

Categories Entertainment Movie Review

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