Family Members Fight Over Inheritance in ‘The Estate’

29 Oct2022
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What’s one way to bring estranged family members together? Throw in a dying relative and a huge inheritance. Written and directed by Dean Craig, “The Estate” comically depicts what happens when greedy family members chase after money starring Toni Collette, Anna Faris, David Duchovny, Rosemarie DeWitt, Ron Livingston, and  Kathleen Turner.

Sisters Macey (Collette) and Savanna (Faris) have a failing business and are not in the best place in life financially. When they hear their difficult-to-please Aunt Hilda (Turner) is terminally ill they decide this is the perfect time to get in her good graces so they’ll become beneficiaries of her wealthy estate. The only problem is their cousin Beatrice (DeWitt), her husband James (Livingston), and cousin Richard (Duchovny) all have the same mindset and plan to win over Aunt Hilda to get that inheritance.

Kathleen Turner in “The Estate.” Photo: Elliot Brasseaux

David Duchovny, Rosemarie DeWit, Anna Faris, Kathleen Turner, and Toni Collette in “The Estate.” Photo: Elliot Brasseaux 

Marc Goldberg, Sarah Gabriel, Sarah Jessica Parker, and Alison Benson produced “The Estate” along with Christian Mercuri, Roman Viaris, David Haring, Dean Craig, Josh Kesselman, and René Besson as Executive Producers. “The Estate” comes to theaters on November 4, 2022.

Watch the red band trailer for “The Estate” in the clip below. Would you fight over an inheritance like the family in this film? Share your thoughts in the comments.

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Photo: Alyssa Moran

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