HBO Max’s ‘The Baby’ Puts A Funny Twist On Motherhood

28 Apr2022
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For some women, the idea of becoming a mother is absolutely terrifying. They watch the females around them transition into motherhood and feel themselves on the outside of an exclusive club, yet they don’t mind having no desire to take on that journey. But what if one day you are forced into motherhood and it’s just as scary as you thought it would be because the baby may be an actual demon.

HBO Max’s new series The Baby stars Michelle de Swarte as Natasha. Her close girlfriends are both in the midst of a motherhood journey and she needs a break from it all. A chance encounter lands an infant right into her arms and despite her many attempts to place the baby in someone else’s care, the baby is hell-bent on staying with Natasha by any means.

I watched the first episode earlier this week and found myself intrigued by the mystery of this demon baby and glued to the hilarity of de Swarte’s comedic timing. The Baby will have an 8-episode run and since the running time is so short I wish the episodes were released in batches, but I’ll be back to HBO Max every Sunday, or sometime during the week, to catch up on the new release.

The first episode of The Baby is now available on HBO Max with new episodes dropping every Sunday through June 12.

Watch the official trailer for The Baby in the clip below. Does this appear to your taste in TV shows? Share your thoughts in the comments.

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Photo: Ross Ferguson/HBO

Categories Entertainment Television

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