Regina Hall, Amy Schumer, and Wanda Sykes Open The Oscars With Hilarious Monologue

28 Mar2022
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For years the Academy Awards went host-less with extended segments given to actors offering them an opportunity to show off their comedic prowess, but this year three was the magic number with the Oscars having Regina Hall, Amy Schumer, and Wanda Sykes as hosts.

On Sunday, March 27, Hall, Schumer, and Sykes opened the show with a six-minute monologue telling jokes about wage equality in Hollywood, the pandemic, and the snubs at this year’s awards. Throughout the show, each lady took a turn hosting segments of their own met with roars of laughter from the crowd. I think the girls did a pretty good job. I chuckled many times with their delivery and Regina Hall simply shined. I adore her and her comedic chops don’t get enough praise.

Watch Regina Hall, Amy Schumer, and Wanda Sykes open the 2022 Academy Awards in the clip below. How do you think they did as hosts? Share your thoughts in the comments.

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Photo: ABC screengrab

Categories Celebrity Entertainment Television

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