GGB’s 25 Days Of Christmas Watch List: Babes in Toyland (1961)

01 Dec2021
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Welcome to Glambergirlblog’s 25 Days of Christmas Watch List! For the next 25 days, I’ll be sharing my holiday faves daily to get you in the holiday spirit. To kick things off I’ll start with a classic. “Babes in Toyland,” the 1961 version not the updated one with Drew Barrymore, Keanu Reeves, and Jill Schoelen.

Disney darling Annette Funicello and Tommy Sands star in “Babes in Toyland” as Mary Quite Contrary and Tom Piper, a charming couple on the verge of matrimony when Tom gets kidnapped in a plan orchestrated by the evil Barnaby (Ray Bolger) to leave Mary helpless and forced into marrying him. The plot is kinda messed up, but this is considered a Christmas movie and it’s one of my favorites from my childhood.

Not to mention it’s a musical and I adore musicals. The songs in this movie remain rent-free in my mind and heart. It’s truly an iconic soundtrack now that I think about it. “Babes in Toyland” has such a fond hold on me because it reminds me of my childhood. I was the type of kid that could only get closer to the TV screen if I was actually inside it. That’s how engrossed I was, and still am honestly.

“Babes in Toyland” will bring out your inner child with the colorful characters, toy making, and heartwarming moments between Tom and Mary. Where to watch: Disney+

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Photo: Disney

Categories Entertainment Holiday Movie

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