‘A Different World’ Cast Members Reunite For A Road Trip in E! Limited Series

26 May2021
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Many reunions of past shows and films allow the actors to sit down and reflect on their times working on the projects that gave so many people joy while watching, but E! likes to take their shows on the road, literally.

In a special event series called Reunion Road Trip, cast members from All My Children, Queer Eye for the Straight Guy, Scrubs, and A Different World gather to take a trip down memory lane and have some fun on the road while doing so. From the trailer, it appears the cast members will visit sentimental places for the show while talking about what made their shows so great. I’m mostly hype for the A Different World episode. That show is hands down one of my favorites of all time and any time that cast gets together to talk about their experiences on set and their characters I’m going to watch!

Reunion Road Trip comes to E! on June 10th.

Watch the trailer for E!’s special event series Reunion Road Trip in the clip below. Which reunion are you most excited to see? Share your thoughts in the comments.

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Photo: E! Screengrab

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