‘Spiral: Saw’ Fails To Live Up To The Standard Of Its Franchise Counterparts

16 May2021
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Have you ever seen a movie that affected you so much that it stuck with your hours after you watched it? In the case of “Spiral: Saw,” the film that opens a new chapter in the “Saw” movie franchise, I was affected in a negative way. Negative in that I absolutely hated it. This was my first time back in the theaters since the pandemic and I was excited to get back to that experience, but man what a waste it was seeing this. WARNING, if you would like to go into seeing “Spiral: Saw” spoiler-free then read no further, but if you’re curious as to why I did not like the movie then keep on scrolling.

Photo: Lionsgate

Chris Rock stars as Detective Zeke Banks who gets assigned to a new partner, rookie William Schenk (Max Minghella), to his dismay. The two begin investigating what is believed to be a homeless man’s accidental killing by train. It turns out to be much more; a serial killer is copying the Jigsaw murders and is targeting the police department. Captain Angie Garza (Marisol Nichols) is trying to get her squad to work peacefully together, there’s a whole backstory there that basically brings the police code – blue over everything- to life, and former, revered Captain Marcus Banks (Samuel L. Jackson) is willing to do what he can to help his son, Zeke, solve the case before more bodies pile up.

The premise is simple enough, but my major issue with this film is how it’s prefaced as a “Saw” movie. It gave zero “Saw” vibes to me and the best thing that came from this movie was 21 Savage’s “Spiral” single which is the first credits song and uses the signature score from the franchise.

If this was just a typical cop versus a serial killer movie like: “Se7en,” “The Bone Collector,” or “Untraceable” and I was going into “Spiral” with that in mind then I think I would have appreciated it more. It seemed more like a rip-off of a “Saw” movie than a new installment. I’m trying to find another good thing to say about this movie, but I’m struggling. I didn’t particularly like Chris Rock in this role. Samuel L. Jackson was a more convincing cop to me than Rock. Rock did have some funny moments where I mustered up a smile, but never more than a giggle while watching this one.

Now let’s talk gore. “Saw” is known quite infamously for its very graphic torture, killing scenes. They are the things of nightmares and certainly not for the squeamish. I will say there wasn’t that much violence in this one compared to the past films and that may be a good thing for some people who have issues with what they call “torture porn.” Don’t get me wrong the scenes in the film are hard to look at, but there were worst ways the games took people out. Halfway through the film, you could see where the movie was going and who the new Jigsaw was. The ending was way too much of a “woke” agenda to me and I hope this is the final film. It does not need to go beyond “Spiral.”

Overall, I was very displeased with this “Saw.” I thought I didn’t like the 2017 “Jigsaw,” but that movie is way better than this. Maybe I’ll feel different as time goes on and I’ll revisit this. I give “Spiral: Saw” two Glambergirlblog kisses 💋💋 and that’s a reach.

Watch the trailer for “Spiral: Saw” in the clip below. Did you check out the new “Saw” film opening weekend? Do you feel the same way about the movie like I do? Share all your thoughts in the comments.

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Photo: Lionsgate

Categories Entertainment Movie Review

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